Showing posts with label seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seo. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

How To Add Related Posts Into Your Blog Or Website

In most of the papular blogs "widget of related posts" is the key for "Best Seo".When anyone visits your blog or website then after getting his desired content he wants some more information about the relevant content.
If you have no related posts in your blog then he'll leave your blog.After reading your blog's article he feels that in this blog there are no more relevant information.In this critical situation the best way of keeping the visitors busy is the "Show the Related Posts" in your blog.

If you have less than 50 posts in your blog then "Widget of related posts is your life" in the world of blogging.Logic is quite simple ,when you have less than 50 posts in your blog than your blog will became dull and boring and will be shown as it is made by person who is untrained and is not professional.When you add  this widget into your blog it will become more attractive for new visitors as well as professionals.Another reason is that all of the professional bloggers use this widget .It is very SEO friendly gadget.

To setup this gadget into your blog follow these steps:

     Add Related Posts Into Your Blog/Website

Screen short of above website is :

After this make the following changes on this page then click on "Get Widget".

After clicking on "Get Widget" you will see the following web page:

Just click on the upper red box i.e click on "install widget".

Then you will click then a new webpage like below will occurs :

After this you will be redirected to your blogger or wordpress dashboard or the dashboard of your website's hosting server.The Gadget has been added into your website.
Note:After doing all of the above steps you will see below every post :"You might also like this" but below these words your relative posts will not be shown.Do't worry after couple of days you will see the related posts just below"You might also like this".You have done your job now wait for couple of days.In  some particular cases you will see rapidly the related posts but if you do not see  them then you should wait.
Note: You can delete this gadget at any time from your website.Just go to the section where lie all of the other gadgets(For bloggers go to layout then on very right side bar you will see this gadget.You can remove it by clicking on this gadget)then remove it by following the process by which you remove other gadgets.

After few days your relative posts will be shown on your website As:

If you want to get less than five posts then again follow the above process then click on 2,3 or 4 on posts section on:
Thanks for "Reading this Article",I hope this article will help you a lot.But if you have some questions  then mail


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How To Make A BackUP For Your Blog

Why i setup a back up?Answer is quite simple and is whenever you want to made changes into your blog for example your are adding custom menu or facebook pop up gadget into your blog then you add html code in your blog's html section..After adding the code you click on save then you see preview of your blog then you find the gadget is not installed then what should you do?You are going to hire some experts?OR You are going to set up a new blog.

Answer no 2:You have downloaded a brand new template and and you see some things extra like some buttons and menu bar something from side bar or header.Then you open it with notepad and going to remove these extra things ops..! what have you done? you have deleted the wrong button.alas! now you must go to download the same template and going to making the changes again....

Conclusion : Do not forget to setup a back up for your website.

So I personally suggesting you whenever you add any gadget ,widget ,some menu or going to deleting some extra html code to load your blog faster.You should make a template and then make experiments with your blog.Because your blog is your business and no one wants to ruin his business.

             Make Back Up For Your Blog

1:Sign in to your blogger account go to dashboard then click on template then click on Backup and restore.

2:Then click on download 

3:Save it into your pc (Best way is that you should burn it in to the CD)

4:Now you have permission to make experiments to your blog.

5:Find some thing wrong .Go Back to dashboard then click on template then click on Backup and restore then click on upload just below the download button after this step you should select the downloaded before or saved template and wait for 5 to 7 seconds.Congratulations you have done it ..!

If you find any thing wrong or any error occurs then mail

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How To Setup A Domain On Blogger From

You are owner of a blog or website then you need to shorten your website's address.I prefer you to do this practice on

Here is the guide to setup a custom domain with

First Go to are here to buy your domain name.

When you buy domain from you should keep the following things in mind

1:Domain names on are not free of cost.

2:You will see packages for domain name from $10 to up on

3:Do not buy the hosting.

4:Do not buy the web builder Packages.Because you are on or these forums you have free hosting and on you are going to pay for your hostingg.(For new users.Everyone can create a free website on and wordpress with you Google id.).

Once you have bought your desired domain name then go to then log in to your account and go to domain section as shown in the figure below:

Now click on the Domain Details to know the information of your present domain.

Go to the "DNS Zone File" Section and click on "Add Record"

Fill in the details for the CNAME record as shown in the image and click "Add Another"

The details to use are :
Record Type : CNAME
Host : www
Points to :
TTL : 1 hour
Now we have to create 4 more records in a similar fashion. The details to fill up while creating the records are as below 
Sl #Record TypeHostPoints toTTL
1A@ Hour
2A@ Hour
3A@ Hour
4A@ Hour

Once done, you should see only 4 records under the A Host section and those should be:

  1. Any other A record shown under the A Host section should be deleted using the Delete icon under Actions(This step is very important)
  2. Now click on "Save Changes 
    You are now Done with GoDaddy settings. You now have to configure your Blogger blog to publish to this new domain.

    Publishing a Blogspot domain to a custom domain

    Now we will configure the Blogger blog to publish itself to the new Custom Domain name.
    Login to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Settings > Basic and click on the Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog link 

    Provide your Custom Domain URL and click the Save Button 

    When you click save, you might get an error like the one shown below
    This means that Blogger wants us to create another CNAME record on GoDaddy to verify that you are the owner of the domain. The values for Host and Points To should match what’s shown on the Blogger error. An example based on the above error is shown below.

    Click Finish and Save Changes once again. Now go back to Blogger and click on the "Save" button once again. This time the verification error should go away.
    Now select the redirection Option and save the settings Once again
    Now your blog should be visible at your new domain.
    he DNS changes which we had made(the A and CNAME records) might take some time to propagate. So give it 24 hrs in case you aren't able to see the changes immediately.

    Note : The screenshots are based on the GoDaddy and Blogger interfaces at the time of writing this post. In case you find any differences, do let us know so that we can update the post and help others.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

How To Start Blogging

You are new in the world of blogging then you have some questions in your mind.One of them the most important question is what computer skills are required for blogging .
Today in this post i'll try to solve this problem for newbies and some intermediate bloggers.This post will also help the professionals.

1:Adobe Photoshop Cs5

You are on or then first of all you need to do is learn Adobe Photoshop Cs5.This will help you in designing the header of your blog as well as you can edit pictures from this program  . In my blog  i uses Photoshop to edit my pics and for resizing my pics.You can edit your pics.You can make png,jpeg,jif images with help of this programeYou can write your blog's name on pics.You can also make high quality images in Adobe Photoshop Cs5.In this version of Photoshop we learn that how to make banners and web images .Cs5 is the latest version of Photoshop.Main contents to learn in Photoshop Cs 5 are: Gradients,Fonts,Brushes and styles.If you have no knowledge about this important program then you should learn it from some kind of institute.For Pakistani bloggers and bloggers of the entire world a prefer you to learn the use of this software from some computer academy i mean spend you need to spend some money to learn professional skills because if you want to learn these free then you can learn the relevant program but you can not be able to learn some professional skills and if you are then you need to spent more and more time for search and find ebooks for learning or some free courses from internet.
Note:During the course of Adobe Photoshop Cs5 you must learn the Adobe image Ready.Ask your instructor for this.In Adobe image ready we make animated images as well as flash images.

Conclusion:Spend some money and Save your time is the basic key of blogging.

This course is no more so expensive.You need to spend round about:
$70 to $80.

Course duration
Two months

2:Web Designing

In this course  you will be able to make web pages of your blog You can learn to use of  latest web tools and languages after doing this course.I prefer to do this course from some recognized institute.Save your time with your money.

Estimated course expenses are:
$65 to $70

Course Duration
About Two months

3:Css and HTML

Css stand for cascading style sheet .
HTML stands for hiper text markup language.
In Css we make layout of our blog.Layout means managing the header,sidebar,banners and designing as well.Without Css a webpage looks dull and grey.
2)In HTML we build the blog.We edit and read codes with HTML.It is very important web language without knowing this we can not build a professional blog.
With  HTML we build the solid sekelton structure of a webpage and with Css we create it's layout and style it with colors,fonts,backgrounds,hover,effects,alignments,positioning etc.
Conclusion:Without learning Css and HTML we can not turn ourselves into professional bloggers.

Estimated course expenses are:
$90 to $100

Course Duration
Two to Three months

4:Adobe Dream Weaver

My blog's visitors who have learnt the above three courses can enjoy the blogging as well as they are eating cakes.They can make a living as well from their blogs.However we talk about Adobe Dream Weaver.It is the heart of web designing.We can make a website offline with help of this software.
Important Contents to learn in this course are:
Server side scripting,Languages and frameworks such as PHP,ASP and cold fusion and sriptiet.
We have to learn only these tools for blogging.We can make saparate pages with Dream weaver.We can display these pages on our website to promote our product.We can also design server pages.
Estimated couse expenses are:
$90 to $100 

Course Duration
Two to Three months

After Doing these courses you should start you blogging career on google's website 


After blogging we need to learn how to seo (Search engine optimization) our blog.You can learn seo from our blog: on seo corner.

6:Build Readership

After Seo you need to build your readership.You can do this by increasing the number of posts of your blog.

7:Build Traffic

How to increase your website traffic

You need to be a professional blogger.All professional blogger have traffic in thousands.So you need to make your 100 visitors then 200 then bang it..!
Number of posts and better Seo with meta keyword description tags can help you in this regard.

8:Earn And Enjoy

You have done your blogging.Now it is the time to enjoy your hardword.Now display relative adds on your blog and enjoy..!

For help


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Free Seo Tips For New WebMasters

By 8:55 PM

1:Some of your most valuable links might not appear in web sites at all but be in the form of e-mail communications such as newletters and zines.

2:SEO is not a one-shot process. The search landscape 

changes daily, so expect to work on your optimization daily.

3:Pay attention to the context surrounding your images. Images can rank based on text that surrounds them on the page. Pay attention to keyword text, headings, etc.

 4:There are two ways to NOT see Google’s Personalized Search results:

(1) Log out of Google

(2) Use absolute links. Not only will it make your on-site link navigation less prone to problems (like links to and from https pages), but if someone scrapes your content, you’ll get backlink juice out of it.

 Append &pws=0 to the end of your search URL in the search bar

5:You’re better off letting your site pages be found naturally by the crawler. Good global navigation and linking will serve you much better than relying only on an XML Sitemap.

6:Surround video content on your pages with keyword rich text. The search engines look at surrounding content to define the usefulness of the video for the query.

7:Broaden your range of services to include video, podcasts, news, social content and so forth. SEO is not about 10 blue links anymore.

8:Adapt to algorithm updates. To attain and retain good rankings you need to adapt your SEO strategy as search engines evolve over time.

9:You’re ultimately responsible for all of SEO work done on your website. Search engines won’t remove a penalty on the basis that you didn’t do, and didn’t know the specifics of, the SEO work on your site.

10:Diversify your traffic sources. Google is a great source of traffic but being 100% reliant on them for visitors puts you in a vulnerable position.

 See Also:

Source Of Some Above Important Seo Tips is: